If life is what happens to our plans, then dance is what happens to our steps.
ideas sometimes when you wait they come to you.

Preparation for starting with BAPP

Sunday 10 December 2017

What is happening now?

Monday Dec 11th is the beginning of Week 12 - the last week of term.
Hand-in is Jan 5th so you have the Winter Holidays to continue to work on your hand-in work if you choose.

Hopal and I are busy getting feedback to you on drafts. Our aim is to have it all back by Friday. If you have questions, now is the time to give a quick skype call to ask them.

In the new year we have hand-in on Jan 5th the oral presentations for Module Threes later in the month.

You will receive your grade for the work you hand-in on Jan. 5th at the end of January. The grade will also indicate if you have passed the Module.

The new term (and next module) for those of you on Module One and Two will beginning at the beginning of February. Check the academic calendar on UniHub (or in past blog post of mine) for exact dates. Make a note of induction and welcome back skype at the end of January that you might like to attend.

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